Aurora Australis loves to perform and entertain! We are women of all ages and from all walks of life who gather together each week to sing, learn, and have fun.

We enjoy performing at functions and community events as well as competing in local eisteddfods and regional competitions with Sweet Adelines Australia. Around Christmas you will find us singing carols at local shopping centres. Our repertoire includes modern hits, ballads, 60s favourites, Australian songs and Christmas carols and songs.

Besides performing, vocal education is an important component of chorus rehearsals. We continually strive to improve our skills and the quality of our musical product. We invest in training for our music leaders, and a couple of times a year we will be coached by visiting experts in the art of 4-part a cappella singing and performing. A cappella singing is unaccompanied (no instrumental backing). 

We are proud members of Sweet Adelines International which has around 30,000 members worldwide. Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide organisation of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition and performances.